The Officers and Past Presidents met with our Sussex County Councilmen, County Administrator and Finance Director. This is a yearly gathering we hold for our Council. They have always been a strong supporter of the Sussex County Fire and Ambulance Service. Council was represented by President Mike Vincent, George Cole, Sam Wilson, Rob Arlett and IG Burton. County Administrator Todd Lawson and Finance Director Gina Jennings were also there. From the SCVFA were President Charlie Arnold, 1st VP Terry Jester, 2nd VP Hunter Holland, Treasurer Norman Amendt, Chaplain Jimmy Hoppa, Past County Presidents Bill Tobin, Ron Marvel, Steve Deery, Bill Henry Buckaloo, Ray Stevens, Rich Toulson and Lynn Rogers. A very productive meeting and we the Sussex County Firefighters Association are very appreciative of all our Council does to help keep the citizens in our county safe.