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Sussex County
Volunteer Firefighter's

34771 Wilgus
Cemetary Road
Frankford, DE 19945

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Gumboro Charter Member named Firefighter of the Year - Rehoboth Beach, DE
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Gumboro Vol. Fire Co. Charter Member names Sussex County Firefighter of the Year At the January Meeting of the Sussex County Firefighter’s Association the group held its annual Firefighter of the Year Ceremony. This year’s recipient was John F. Downes of the Gumboro Vol. Fire Co. John is a charter member of the Company. He has been extremely active with the Fire Police at a Company, County and State Level. John served as Chief Engineer for ten years and has been active with the Emergency Medical Services. John has also served his community as a Boy Scout leader and has served Gumboro United Methodist Church for over fifty years. Pictured: Bob Eckman, Firefighter of the Year Committee, John F. Downes and Todd Reilly, President of the Association
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